Are you wanting to get out of your service and into natural environments more? Preparing to go on excursions into natural spaces can be tricky, as we try to juggle the feelings, fears, concerns, and expectations of all stakeholders (children, educators, families, and management).
To support your service in the process, we have put together a simple consultation pack that comprises four templates designed to gather input from the people that matter most and to inform planning and practice.
Suitable for educators in Long Day Care, OSHC, Family Day Care, Preschools, and Kindergartens.
Product Details
7 Page PDF document including four templates and instructions for use.
This is a digital product. Upon completion of checkout, you will be prompted to download the PDF. We recommend doing this on a PC, rather than an iPad or phone, although you can do it on those too - just be mindful of where you save it!