What if we just slowed down?

What if we just slowed down? 

What if we stopped asking so many questions, and listened more instead?

What if we spent time just being with children?

What if our meal times weren't a hurried experience of ticking off who ate what? 

What if we weren't worried about getting forty five photographs to send hourly updates to families?

What if we gave children time to wonder? 

What if we worried less about the schedule and more about protecting play? 

What if when changing a nappy, or helping a child with a routine task, we saw opportunities for connection instead of tasks to be marked off? 

What if we didn't say "find something to do" to the child rolling around on the floor and instead understoof that they were getting what their body needed? 

What if we gave children the freedom to access the materials and resources they need for their play? 

What if we gave children long blocks of uninterrupted time for play? 

What if we took time to make eye contact, to smile, to laugh, to connect with children at their level? 

What if we saw the potential in an empty box and a roll of tape, or a sheet and some pegs?

What if we recognised that children don't need to stand in line, sit for a long group time, or practice writing and flashcards to be "ready" for school? 

What if we gave children the freedom and security to move between parts of our environment as their play shifted and evolved? 

What if we observed more and interfered less? 

What if we respected the pace at which children learn, explore and grow? 

What if we saw the magical moments that happen every single day in the cracks between the "program" and the "schedule"? 

What if we just slowed down?


You might have read this and thought... well that's all well and good, but: 

  • That won't work in my service
  • I'm expected to do those things by management or families
  • I can't just slow down! 

We're running an online webinar in April which will explore the WHY and HOW of slowing down, and we would love you to join us. Find out more about the session HERE

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