With an attitude of growth, fun and connection, Inspired EC has evolved into an organisation that works closely with educators and services around Australia and internationally, providing training, resources, consultancy services and much more.
What bothers me though is that in our attempts to fully embrace the festive spirit, some services and educators appear to lose sight of their philosophies and subsequently, children’s rights
This simple, yet beautiful story is written from the perspective of an assistance dog - Raffy. The dog tells of how he was chosen, and how he spent time learning to "read" his new human - Kitty.
For so long, the early childhood sector has been undervalued in the wider community, not seen as a profession. While we might say "we shouldn't need a day to celebrate", sometimes that's exactly what we need - something that draws attention to the work that we do.
I often think about what a privilege it is to be involved in the life of a child, particularly in the early years. We share milestones with them and see them grow and develop for a few years, if we are lucky.
A few months ago, our family got a puppy. This furry, bundle of slobber and excitement joined our lives and changed it in many of the ways that we expected. But, there has been an unexpected change too - our connection to the community.