The Inspired EC Blog
"I can't draw" - The Lie That Many of Us Tell
"I can't draw"
Have you said that before? I know I have. And it's a lie.
Is it a lie I actively tell? No. In fact, I believe what I say. I believe that I can't draw, that my artwork isn't skilled enough, or that I lack in creativity. But I am wrong. At a logical level, I know that I am wrong.
Why do children ask so many questions?
Children ask a lot of questions.I remember reading a few years ago a funny post that said that the average four year old asks 437 questions in a day. Yes, it's an exaggeration. Or is it?Why do children ask so many questions? And what about the biggest question of all? WHY? -
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk - Embracing Independence
"I can do it myself." We hear those words a lot from young children. I always love hearing it from toddlers, who are beginning to realise that they are indeed capable of doing things for themselves. But, emerging independence can sometimes pose a challenge for us as educators or parents. -
The Ultimate Trust. The Ultimate Privilege. The Ultimate Responsibility.
A small sticky hand slides into mine. I know that if his mama were here, it would slide into hers. Laughter erupts as I tickle her belly. I know ... -
5 Practical Ways to Support Mud Play
Sometimes I hear from educators that mud play is too much work, that the inevitable clean-up is too hard, that the time spent is too long. But I have to ask the question - what else are we doing that is more important? -
Embracing Infectious Joy
I was sitting at the traffic lights when he caught my eye. He stood there, with his dog, waiting to cross the road. Headphones in ears, leash in...
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