The Inspired EC Blog
Becoming a Zebra: An experimentation in body art
Have you ever wanted to become a Zebra?
Yesterday, I met someone who did. While visiting our Timbernook Newcastle program, I spotted a small child carefully and methodically drawing lines on their arms and legs with a texta.
4 Steps to Embracing Risky Play
Embracing risky play can be challenging for many of us. We might logically understand the importance of children having opportunities to engage in risky play, and yet we might still be apprehensive - concerned about safety, worried about incidents. -
10 Essentials for Toddler Environments - Outdoor Edition
Here it is - the next post in our series of essentials for the environment. This time we are talking about toddlers and outdoor environments. -
It's raining, it's pouring... but we're going outside anyway!
"I hate rainy days when we get stuck inside and the children go wild."
I have lost count of the number of times over my two decades in early childhood, that I have heard some version of this sentiment. For the first couple of years, I said it myself - many times.
Creating Space for "Big Body" Play
As educators, we sometimes have a tendency to squash big body play. We worry that someone might get hurt. We worry that the play is not safe. We think that the play is frivolous or not purposeful.
Rest Time or Restoration Time?
What was it we were really trying to achieve? We wanted children to relax, to rest their bodies, to restore their energy. And for some reason, we had thought that meant to sleep or at least be silent. -
Get Outside: Nature Supports Educator Wellbeing
We're burning out. Our sector is struggling. Every time I visit services or speak to educators I hear first-hand the toll that this role is taking on people.
Nature helps. Nature replenishes us.
Who needs worksheets and rote learning when you have nature and time to explore?
Simple, and child led. It's what learning needs to be. Why do we have a tendency to overcomplicate the way in which children learn? When we head out into nature, when we slow down and let children explore and create and wonder, magical things happen. Learning happens. -
Is it time to ditch "No Hat, No Play"?
Recently, one of our team shared a reminder message that they had received from their child's education and care service about hats and sun protection, and it led to some discussion about the concept of "No Hat, No Play" in our office. -
Lessons from the Birds
A few months ago, my 7 year old daughter called to me from her bedroom. I could tell she was excited before I even went in, but when I saw her f... -
"Slides are for going down, not up!" REALLY?
Going up the slide requires a different set of body skills, it requires a different focus. Some children will find it challenging to go up the slide. Some children will find it easy. There will be some negotiation required between children, but you know what? They usually just work it out.
4 Ways to Support Problem Solving Through Loose Parts Play
This post was lost in the archives. Originally published by us in 2020 This week I visited a local service. While I spoke with the approved prov...
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