Welcome to Inspired EC

With an attitude of growth, fun and connection, Inspired EC has evolved into an organisation that works closely with educators and services around Australia and internationally, providing training, resources, consultancy services and much more.

The Inspired EC Blog

  • 4 Ways to Support Problem Solving Through Loose Parts Play

      This post was lost in the archives. Originally published by us in 2020 This week I visited a local service. While I spoke with the approved prov...
  • How to Embrace Rainy Day Play

    Yesterday morning I sat at my desk watching the kookaburras and the magpies forage in the grass - the incessant rain having bought worms to the surface. And then I spotted her. A child of about three stepped across the soggy grass, her gumboots squelching, toward the birds.
  • 5 Practical Ways to Support Mud Play

    Sometimes I hear from educators that mud play is too much work, that the inevitable clean-up is too hard, that the time spent is too long. But I have to ask the question - what else are we doing that is more important?
  • 5 Myths About Infant Outdoor Environments

      I remember one of the first services I ever visited as a young student. I headed on into the infant room and was overwhelmed by toys and swings ...
  • 4 Ways to Support Barefoot Play

    I spend a lot of time barefoot. I am barefoot indoors, I am barefoot outdoors, and I prefer to drive with barefeet. This explains how one morning,...