The Inspired EC Blog
3 Things Children Need for Exploring "Play with Impact"
Jumping, Crashing, Rolling, Pushing. Many children actively seek out this type of play because their bodies need it from a sensory input perspective. In addition to the sensory input though, there is an element of thrill seeking and risk taking in this type of play, which makes it enticing for many children.
10 Essentials for Toddler Environments - Outdoor Edition
Here it is - the next post in our series of essentials for the environment. This time we are talking about toddlers and outdoor environments. -
10 Essential Elements for Toddler Environments - Indoor Edition
Okay, it's been a little while since we started this series of blog posts... but we are back! And this time, it's indoor environments for toddlers. -
10 Essential Elements for Infant Environments - Indoor Edition
We are often asked for our resource recommendations for various ages. So, we've decided to produce a series of blog posts doing exactly that. And we are kicking it off with infants. -
The Art of Really Seeing
Together we really looked at the flower. We spent time examining the incredible symmetry, the fuzziness of the centre.
And then she began pulling the petals out... really slowly. As she did, we noticed how they slid out of the flower.
Creating Space for "Big Body" Play
As educators, we sometimes have a tendency to squash big body play. We worry that someone might get hurt. We worry that the play is not safe. We think that the play is frivolous or not purposeful.
A Reimagining of "Home Corner"
There's nothing inherently wrong with "home corner" or with creating any type of dramatic play space. But what if there was a different way to do it? What if there was a way to spark dramatic play without being prescriptive? -
Who needs worksheets and rote learning when you have nature and time to explore?
Simple, and child led. It's what learning needs to be. Why do we have a tendency to overcomplicate the way in which children learn? When we head out into nature, when we slow down and let children explore and create and wonder, magical things happen. Learning happens. -
Creating calm in the "Busy" season
It’s official. There is only a month until Christmas, and whether you celebrate or not, this time of year becomes absolutely manic in many house... -
Schema Play: What's it all about?
When I first heard the term and began to understand the concept, suddenly it all made sense. I had been fighting against the natural play urges of children, instead of embracing them and providing an environment and resources that supported them. -
"Slides are for going down, not up!" REALLY?
Going up the slide requires a different set of body skills, it requires a different focus. Some children will find it challenging to go up the slide. Some children will find it easy. There will be some negotiation required between children, but you know what? They usually just work it out.
4 Easy Additions to Enhance Your Block Play Environment
We need to be intentional about how we set up our spaces for block play, about the materials that we use and the way in which children can access them.
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