With an attitude of growth, fun and connection, Inspired EC has evolved into an organisation that works closely with educators and services around Australia and internationally, providing training, resources, consultancy services and much more.
Supporting families should be one of our key aims in early childhood, and that includes the families that exist within our staff. It won't always be easy or smooth, but with clear policies, boundaries and expectations, we can typically ensure that educator parents, children and the educators that care for them, are settled and supported.
You know those challenges that come up again and again and again? Biting would almost be at the top of that list right? We often read posts online or hear educators say things like "I'm in the toddler room and we have a biter, how can we get them to stop - we've tried everything."
It's sounds like it should be pretty straightforward right? If a child is tired, they sleep. But what happens when a family says "please don't let me child sleep or they are up until midnight"? How do we, as educators, juggle the needs of the child and the requests of the family?
When we change our thinking, when we look at things from a different perspective, it helps us to not feel so offended when children use a play space or leave a play space in a way that is different to what we have expected.
What bothers me though is that in our attempts to fully embrace the festive spirit, some services and educators appear to lose sight of their philosophies and subsequently, children’s rights
We all have bad days. We all have days where the idea of getting up and going to work is enough to put us in a bad mood. But these days should be the exception to the rule.
This simple, yet beautiful story is written from the perspective of an assistance dog - Raffy. The dog tells of how he was chosen, and how he spent time learning to "read" his new human - Kitty.
We are often asked for our resource recommendations for various ages. So, we've decided to produce a series of blog posts doing exactly that. This week it's infant outdoor environments!
We know we are not alone in our worry about the impact of negative news and scary world realities on children. And so, we decided to put together some information and resources to help educators and families.
Every year, in around October, the requests for suggestions start: "what songs can we perform at our end of year graduation/concert?" or something along those lines. And every year I wonder - who is the performance for?
We are often asked for our resource recommendations for various ages. So, we've decided to produce a series of blog posts doing exactly that. And we are kicking it off with infants.